Friday, August 13, 2010

Small Seattle Trip: ちょつとした

I took a little Mini-vacation last weekend and went to Seattle, WA. I must say its a nice city. Tons and Tons of coffee shops! I can see why this was home base for Starbucks Coffee! Speaking of Seattle.. I didn't know that REI started up in this area. Their main store in Seattle is impressive! As you can see from the top picture They actually have a mini bike trail that goes around their store!  Also they have a hiking trail so that you can try out the boots! Pretty impressive!

ちょつとしたシアトルの旅に行ってきました。本当にいい町ですね!もうとにかくコーヒー喫茶店がいっぱい。シアトルがスターバックスの本拠地だと言うのがなっとくしました。ええっとシアトルと言えばREIの発生の地らしいです。シアトルの本店はすごいですね!上の写真を見ればわかるんですけどREIの本店の周りに自転車トレールがあるんです!後はハイカーが靴を試すためのコースも あるんです!さすがすごいです!!

Other places I visited in Seattle... Museum of Flight! The main reason why I wanted to check this place out was the SR-71(or Lockheed A-12) !!! I absolutely Love this plane!! Even though this plane was built in   1960s its still one of the fastest planes even today( actual top speed is classified but its been known to go Mach 3.2+)! I guess I'm really proud of this plane because I work for Lockheed Martin.. But she really is a beautiful plane! A modern Marvel of Engineering & symbol of American Ingenuity! I'd go far as to say it should be classified as a national treasure!   IF you ever get a chance I highly recommend these books!Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years of Lockheed and Sled Driver: Flying the World's Fastest Aeroplane Skunkworks details how she was built along with U2, F-117A and Sled Driver is more from the pilots point a view.(check out this awsome Gizmodo Article on Sled driver!)

ほかにシアトルで行った所は。。。ムージアム オブ フライト!なによりも目当てがSR-71(別名ロクヒード A-12)とにかくこの機体が好きです!この飛行機は1960年代に作られたのにもかかわらず今でももっとも最速の飛行機のひとつです!(実際の最高速度は国家機密ですけどマッハ3.4以上行くそうです)なぜこれほどすきかと言いますと実は私もロクヒード社で働くからです!本当に綺麗な機体で工学の最高傑作とも言える機体です!この機体はもう国家家宝というべきだと思います。もし機会があれば
を読んでください! あとGizmodoで本当にSR-71面白い体験談記事があります!Gizmodoの記事はこちらで!

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Book Review : Jitensha by Donald R Schlief 読書感想:自転車 BYドナルド R シレフ

When I was setting up this blog I saw the amazon ad for a book called "Jitensha: Down the Japanese Archipelago on a Bicycle" by Donald R Schlief. Wow an ad that is some what relevant to my Blog amazing! So I bought a copy of this book. I read it while i was camping in NY state last month and I finished it recently.

So here is my review:

First and foremost I think that the amazon page should have had the Authors note in the description because it pretty much sums up what this book is. The author states:
まず アマゾンのページに著者のノートを載せるべきだと思います。著者はこう書き始めます:

"Dear Reader: This book is neither a guidebook or a how-to-bicycle japan book. Most definitely it is not a treatise on culture, customs, geography, history, government or people of Japan. Pure and simple it is a very personal narrative of my bicycle ride down the length of Japan's four main islands. Please accept it as such"


so there you have it. This is exactly what this book was. It felt more like a blog journal than an actual book. I guess I'm biased. When I see this in book form I expect there to be more polish but this was average joe blogger writing. Very report like : I went here, I did this, I met this person, I rode my bike, something broke, I slept, The random history lesson on the area and repeat. All through out the book I wasn't sure who the author wrote this book for. He assumes the reader knows nothing of japan for about 10 pages going into great details about some things like yukatas but then he glosses over other things. There are parts where the authors translation of Japanese is flat out wrong. There is a part where he describes a flag out side of a car dealership and he reads it "kaitorimasu" which means we "will buy back@ high price/trade in" he confuses it to be "we will charge you high prices"..

といってます。著者の言うとおりこの本まさにそのとおりです。個人的にはこの本は本よりブログに近い存在だったようなきがします。本の場合ですとどうしてももちょっと磨きが利いたものを期待してたんですけどほんとにブログがそのまま本にされた感じです。本当にレポートみたいで:ここに行き、あれやって、これやって、この人に合って、自転車壊れて、助けられて、寝て自転車乗って、歴史レッスン入れてそのまんままた繰り返しのようです。また著者が誰のためにこの本を書いたのかはっきりしない。著者は時々読者が日本の事何も知らないと判断してすごく細かく説明すれば(浴衣の説明みたいに)ほかの者はまるきり説明なし。 後時々著者の日本語が間違えてるときとかあります。たとえば本の中で”高額で買い取ります”と書いてある旗を車屋で見かけた作者はなんで”車屋は高額な売ります”とわざわざ旗に書くのだろう と悩みます。本当はまるきり逆なんですけど。。。

Also its funny the author spends about 70% of the book writing about Hokkaido 20% about Honshu 5% about Shikoku and 5% about Kyushu. Its like he was excited in the beginning of the trip kept meticulous notes and then by the end he hardly did any note taking so he didn't have any material he could remember. If you look at his route  Hokkaido should be like 30% Honshuu 50% Shikoku 10% and Kyushu 10%.

後面白いのは作者は本のページ数を北海道に70%、本州に20%、四国に5%、九州に5% かけます。でも地図を見ると北海道に30%、本州に50%、四国に10%、九州に10% 時間かけて旅してるのになんでこの割合に?まるで旅の最初のほうは豆にノートを執ってたけどたびの最後のほうで何も書かなかったからそれが反映されてるみたい。

Personally I felt he could have done a little more research and painted more of a vibrant picture of the places he visited.What is the area known for, which famous warlord was in the area? What is the local food specialty? What are some things that he wanted to see but didn't get a chance?  Also a map of where he was during each chapter would have helped a lot. There is a map in the beginning of the book but it can get quite confusing to figure out where he is just based on the reading in the chapters.


Overall would I recommend this book? No. It offers no real substance to anyone who may be thinking of doing this trip. Like the author states in his notes this is just his experience.. nothing more.. I just wished there were more resources out there on this subject mater.


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